4969 Cleveland Street
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462

(757) 490-3533



Blossoming Elegance Bouquet



The “Blossoming Elegance Bouquet” is a delightful arrangement that captures the essence of a serene garden in full bloom. It’s a colorful medley that radiates with warmth and a welcoming spirit.

This bouquet features a charming mix of roses in pastel hues of pink and cream, embodying elegance and grace, alongside bold magenta and soft coral carnations that add a touch of whimsical charm. The lively pink snapdragons stand tall, infusing the bouquet with an air of majesty and celebration, while the clusters of greenery provide a lush backdrop, signifying growth and renewal.

Sprinkled throughout are dainty accents of purple and yellow wildflowers, evoking a field of flowers on a sunlit day. This bouquet is ideal for expressing affection, gratitude, or congratulations, making any moment memorable with its cheerful presence and the sweetness of nature’s beauty.


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