4969 Cleveland Street
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462

(757) 490-3533



Velvet Grandeur



“Velvet Grandeur” is a luxurious arrangement that embodies the opulence and passion of two dozen exquisite red roses. Each rose is a testament to beauty and love, with velvety petals unfolding in a rich, deep hue that captivates the senses. These stunning flowers are arranged to form a lush bouquet, full of texture and life, making it a powerful symbol of romance and devotion.

Presented in an elegant tall glass vase, the beauty of the roses is further enhanced by the simplicity of the vessel, which allows the natural structure of the stems and the vibrant green of the leaves to be appreciated. The vase’s clear lines and height add to the grandeur of the bouquet, making it a commanding presence in any setting.

Ideal for expressing love, celebrating anniversaries, or making grand romantic gestures, “Velvet Grandeur” is the epitome of classic floral elegance. This bouquet is not just a gift, but a grand statement that speaks volumes about the depth of your feelings.


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